When faced with my demons I clothe them and feed them…

Quick update…

Hi there. I know, it’s been ages. I just seemed to need a bit of a break from blogging. Maybe you know how it is. There’s not much point in writing if the inspiration isn’t there. That would be boring for both of us.

I’ve been doing a fair bit of user consultation work, connected to a local service user organisation. On the one hand I feel quite confident in the quality of the work I am doing. On the other, I am having some difficulties with the politics (small p) surrounding this organisation, the way it was set up, its history and the way it operates.

I feel in a difficult position as a result. What it amounts to is that unlike most other London boroughs, mental health service users in Haringey do not have a dedicated service user led and run organisation to look out for their interests and to make sure that we are adequately represented in decision making about our own services. It’s bloody annoying, can I just be honest?

A friend of mine is of the opinion we have simply been stitched up by the mental health powers that be. One thing I am sure about is that the current situation is untenable, as the coordinators of the organisation are not service users and seem unsure themselves as to what the function of this organisation really is.

Well there’s other stuff. I have been defrauded on an Abbey cash machine to the tune of ‘a ton of money’ and getting the Abbey to wake up and deal with it adequately is a job in itself. I intend getting my money back (even if I have to take them to court) and then switching banks and I would advise any of you still with them to do the same. Their customer service is diabolical and I have found out that consumer surveys find them to be the worst bank in Britain.

Veggies have been growing magnificently in the garden!  Plue I have been teaching myself vegan Japanese cuisine using recipes on the internet, and frequenting a local Japanese grocers. My avocado sushi rolls are something else! The first time around I made a complete hash of it but I persisted and now am quite competent, although I got mirin confused with rice vinegar so still have a way to go with the ingredients. Have to say I have NEVER been in a Japanese restaurant in my life as I didn’t think they were all that vegan friendly…also shop-bought sushi can be pretty tasteless and disappointing, at least the veggie variety. I’ve been using brown sushi rice for extra nutritional value and I think it works well…

Cats both in fine fettle and meow out a hearty hello to you all…Lots of love, Zoe. xxx

Comments on: "Quick update…" (10)

  1. Sir Bob said:

    Hi Zoe – glad you are doing ok, and watch out for the cash machine scammers, my friend has been caught twice, the 2nd time they picked up on it because someone took cash out in manchester minutes after he had. Always hide you pin when typing it in – they’ve started planting cameras on machines now. Sir B x

  2. Mark Edgar said:

    Great to see you back! Shame about the service user organisation, I’m sure i’ll have a few things to say about that on the 8th. See you then and hope to speak beforehand.

    Mark xxx

    PS The book is out on 31st July last I heard.

  3. haven’t been in touch with your blog for long, but there’s plenty of time for me to have a read at previous entries whilst you’re currently quiet 🙂

    It’s nice to hear what you’ve been upto anyway – the service user organisation does sound to have some glitches that you’ve spotted. I don’t know how those things work anyway.

    Oh, that sounds so nice, being able to say you live somewhere cosmopolitan enough for a Japanese grocery not to be out of the question. My knowledge of Japanese-style is almost entirely courtesy of Wagamamas – I am a noodle soup lover,

    Louise x

  4. hi Zoe
    Good to see you back.

    Yes, I do udnerstand the difficulty with work politics. Im struggling with the whole idea of it at the moment.

    Well doen on the sushi roll! I’m a HUGE fan of sushi. Dont know how to make them myself, but I sure love eating them.

  5. Hi Zoe, have e-mailed you but not sure I’ve got the right address. Will be in London next week, would be lovely to see you.
    Hope all’s swell with you x

    • Hi La. Just read your post ‘Moving On’. Glad to have a chance to see you before you do! My email address is zoe.vincent@virgin.net Would be great to meet up when you are in London, we can go for a coffee, a stroll in Ally Pally or whatever you like. Did not get your email I don’t think, could you try again? Love, Zoe. ps Great to hear that things are going well for you btw.

  6. Alex Micu said:

    Hi. Can I have your email address? I have a proposition for your blog. You can email me on the address I provided. Thanks.

  7. Hi Zoe,

    Thanks for the current work you are doing for ‘us’ Haringey users.
    I do ‘get’ the quandary you are in and it does seem that Haringey is an anomaly when it comes to user-led services. The name Haringey User Network suggests that it would, ideally, be run by users and/or ex-users. Have you considered working collectively? I am sure that you are all too aware of the structural hitches and it is difficult if your members are not on a level playing field…
    Let’s all do more networking and grow our own vegetables!

    I hope you are having a good day,


  8. Zoe, I’m adding your blog to my 100 Chronic Blogs List. Health/reat first, blogs 2nd! Diane- A Stellarlife

  9. Hi from Brooklyn, New York. Really like your blog and cOngratulations on your sushi efforts. By the way, I use sherry or white cooking wine instead of Mirin because I use it in other recipes and that way I don’t have to buy another ingredient.

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