When faced with my demons I clothe them and feed them…

Archive for October, 2009

Back on Planet Earth…

Sorry folks, I decided the last post really did constitute ‘too much information’ so I have  deleted the whole thing.

As you might have gathered I was in the throes of a hypomanic episode. Thank God it was relatively mild this time. I did and said some daft things and was over-generous with money…this is all par for the course.  But I managed not to need the ministrations of the Home Treatment Team, or hospital (even though I initially asked to be admitted). I briefly stayed at the crisis unit but found it completely useless, so left after a few days.

I was taking Depakote or Epilim religiously every time I have relapsed over the course of this year (three times in all). This leads me to conclude that these so called mood stabilisers are doing nothing of the kind. I stopped taking Depakote abruptly during this most recent manic phase. Yeah, not technically a good idea. But I have to ask if it’s a good idea to take large doses of toxic substances when they manifestly fail to do what it says on the tin?

Anyway I’m seeing a new psych on Monday afternoon. Currently I am taking a low dose of Citalopram. My mood is not too bad. I have felt quite low but it’s nothing terrible. Been sleeping an inordinate amount.

Decided, after all, to start the MA in Mental Health and Wellbeing at London Metropolitan University. It’s good to have stuff to get on with. I love the whole process of studying. However I am slightly daunted by the social science  nature of the course…one of the modules this term is Social Epidemiology. It’s unfamiliar, as previously I always studied humanities. Sometimes my mind feels like a blunt instrument indeed. The class is massive, too, about fifty of us, and we have to do group presentations, so that is an unknown quantity. I hope I’ll be able to hack it.

Going to art class this afternoon, and then visiting friend with new baby. Take care all! Lots of love, Zoe xxx