When faced with my demons I clothe them and feed them…

Why do you think it’s said in the theatre/showbiz industry ‘never perform with children or animals’?

I guess I like the breezy air of total unconcern of the presenter.

I’m on a quest to find far more graphic and savage attacks on people by animals.

‘God’ of the Bible allegedly gave us dominion over the animals. Well what a massive mistake that turned out to be huh?

Don’t ever try to eat your spiritual superiors guys. It won’t end well.

This remains a favourite of mine but wait…

First she’s on a brown horse, then a white one? Wtf? Just glad and grateful she didn’t survive and the horse was fine.

My hunger for blood is only increasing the more of this stuff I watch.

OK this might be my final word on the subject. Why are humans so cruel and so stupid?

Someone else has made the blatantly false claim that humans are top of the food chain. Try telling that to the last fucking surfer in Australia/anywhere to be swallowed or even nibbled by a shark.

Seems the animals just lack anything like the gratuitous cruelty and savagery of what we laughingly call ‘humanity’. I won’t watch videos of man’s inhumanity to man though on the whole. It’s just too disturbing. Similarly I can never view graphic or indeed any kind of animal abuse by humans as it makes me physically sick to the stomach. I have always been this way.

But what does occur to me is this. Many many ‘people’ around the world hold their own lives, wellbeing and bodily wholeness in MUCH less esteem than I do. And this is from someone who regularly prays for death. Of course it don’t make any sense. Was it ever meant to?

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