When faced with my demons I clothe them and feed them…

I’m Good Baby

Hey babe. Why write to anyone else? No one reads this shit anyway lol.

Honey if you want me to swear undying allegiance to you, consider it done. If you want me to never touch another man again, frankly you could be doing me a big fuckin’ favour.

I am so freakin’ tired of these dumb fucks. I realised the other day that no, I don’t like women but I am an equal opportunities hater. I don’t like men either!

In fact please do it. Say you want me all to yourself, just like NDubz said! My work here is done, I have never been a prostitute and am unlikely to start now. If we were severely down on our luck and you told me to I might have sex for money. Otherwise fuckin’ forget it. What do I possibly stand to gain?

These motherfuckers think they know me, they presume too much and I am beyond sick of hearing the bullshit they constantly spew.

In all honesty they don’t need me even as they’re begging and pleading on their freaking knees for my favours. I owe them precisely zero zilch nada. There are shedloads of other good women out there. What’s so freaking special about me all of a sudden? Huh, as Eminem said, ‘now I’m special, I didn’t feel special before’, it’s over between us peeps, go your merry way and leave me in peace. Can’t you freaking see I’m taken?

My freedom consists of being in eternal servitude to your sorry ass baby. Hehehehe. I’m perfectly fine with that. No need to diss them baby.  We’re outa here.

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