When faced with my demons I clothe them and feed them…

New Hope

11am: Middle of night and wish the chatroom wasn’t so depressing. I can’t help missing the daftness of the ones I got banned from, but there’s nothing I can do about that. At least now I understand the real reason I got banned (which I can’t divulge here) it doesn’t hurt so much anymore. Those of you who don’t suffer insomnia and partake of the joys of chatrooms will probably not fully understand.

Slept three hours…felt refreshed. But it’s not enough.

5.50am: I slept two more times! Yay! I got, in all probably about seven hours!! Did I need it! I feel rested. My cold feels better. I’ll probably be OK to go to drama today and anything else I want to do. Yippee! Maybe , just maybe, I’m finally getting used to the abilify?

And I noticed my eating was a little more controlled too this last 24 hours. Those are the two main concerns, sleeping (or rather not) and eating. Maybe, just maybe this could work.

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