When faced with my demons I clothe them and feed them…

More Son Trouble

Hello peeps. I woke up feeling pretty low this morning. I heard somewhere that sleep tends to leave you feeling more depressed. It’s a diurnal thing. Anyway, once I was up I felt better as I always do, though still a bit frustrated regarding some developments yesterday.

While I was at my friend M’s in the afternoon I heard from my son J’s social worker. There is an important meeting regarding my son this Friday. And I will only be able to attend it if J agrees. I have a feeling he will not agree, as I am still persona non grata since the last time I saw him, when we had a massive row at my place culminating in my calling the police who delivered him back to the Social Services, who then returned him to the foster placement in Kent.

When my Mum dies (she is 80 now) I will basically be all my son has got. I fear that Social Services won’t be seen for dust after he turns 18. Who is going to have to pick up the bits then? I will, as always, be left holding the baby. And in terms of his living skills and general attitude, J is basically still a baby. At this rate he will be totally unable to live independently.

As you can probably gather, I feel angry – toward Social Services, toward my son and to the whole sorry situation. I expect some of you are thinking, well you can’t really blame your son for the poor parenting you have given him. But I will then say, he has had many advantages that other kids in care didn’t have, including family who remained involved, loving and concerned throughout. We never missed a contact, which took place every two months. I doubt that all kids in care are isolating themselves in a room and totally refusing to engage with their education and future, or failing that, assessment for mental health problems and some form of treatment.

I would understand it if you felt sorry for him. I did the same until I saw the way he behaved for the sixteen months that he spent, first with me, then with my mother. I’m afraid I am now compassion-fatigued as regards my son. He seems sublimely unaware of the heartache and worry he is causing us by his behaviour. I was triggered into a sixteen-month depression when I saw the state he was in. It is never far from my mind, though I do all I can to remain positive and distract myself from his problems.

I’m also annoyed that Social Services only let me know yesterday that this important meeting at the foster carer’s was taking place this week. I spoke to my Mum this morning, and she hadn’t been told at all.

I never chose this. This is by far the worst and most serious thing that has happened to me as a result of my mental health problems. My own life is hard enough to cope with. I’ve had to take sole responsibility for a child as well, a child who now has significant problems that are impacting on everyone around him. The ‘sperm-donor’ excuse for a father was happy enough to have unprotected sex with me (once) while I was psychotic, vulnerable and supposedly being cared for in hospital. Not happy though to step up to any of his responsibilities regarding the consequences of his actions. Ill as I was, I clearly remember asking him to use protection, but he refused. Any men reading this, just be grateful that you are not a woman before you start identifying with my son and feeling sorry for him.

What am I really angry with though? I’m angry at life itself I guess, at the hand of cards I’ve been dealt. Please try not to judge me dear reader. I can bear my share of the responsibility but it can’t and shouldn’t all devolve on me.


Comments on: "More Son Trouble" (7)

  1. Hi Zoe,

    It sounds like Jasper could benefit from some sensible counselling/therapy…This will help him to discover what he wants to do with his life rather than just surfing the net with no true aim.

    Pleased that your cat is okay. 🙂

    • Thanks for this Katy. I agree, and appointments have been made for J several times to be assessed by Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). They would be able to refer him for therapy. He usually promises to go, but when the day comes, he is ‘too tired’ or ‘not in the mood’.

      At the end of tether!

      Zoe x

  2. I sent you a link, Zoe, to a video which might be helpful for you to watch…ignore the silly beginning.

    It would be interesting to know/see how much of Jasper’s behaviour is being reinforced by others’ reactivity.

    Lots of teenagers go through phases of dropping out. It seems that he has made his defiant stand now and needs to find out what he wants to do with his life – with or without a counsellor/therapist.

    Not having a connection with a school/college/work means that he is missing out on life.

    If Jasper cannot see any gain in anything at all then he must be very depressed. People of his age usually have energy/enthusiasm for things as you know.

    Good luck with tomorrow’s meeting if you are going. Take care, Katy 🙂

    • The social worker told me today that she got her dates mixed up – the meeting is on the 23rd! No apology or anything. She’s going down to Kent to see him tomorrow.

      Jasper has plenty of enthusiasm for his hip hop music! He doesn’t sit there staring at the wall. He’s always on the net.

      If he IS very depressed, then he needs to keep the appointments that are made for him with CAMHS. He can’t have it both ways. If he’s ill, then accept help. If he’s not ill, he should be getting up, out and engaging with life. That’s how I see it.

      But thanks so much for your input Katy. I do appreciate it.

      Zoe xx

  3. Too much hip hop music perhaps? It is very violent and cynical for the most part and gives a skewed take on society…I see its attraction as an outlet/expression but just listening could drive a person demented! My nephew was sort of taken over by hip hop music and culture when he was younger and was similarly aimless for a time.

    Is there a middle way for Jasper? It sounds like he is resistant to the CAMHS idea…and there are other ways of accessing counselling support/help.

    He has a lot of support anyway by the sound of it…you, his grandmother, a social worker and foster parents. Maybe you are doing ALL the worrying, Zoe…sometimes less is more.
    Sorry for cliche answers. This medium is limiting and I can only really see the sitch in quite general terms since I don’t know the people involved.

    Keep calm and carry on, Katy 🙂

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