When faced with my demons I clothe them and feed them…


Hiya. The dogged blogger must continue despite stats reaching an all time low last two days. I had eight views and no comments for two days running.

I know I’ve neglected you, blog. I am also guilty of not reading anyone else’s blog and not always replying to the comments I do get so I have to be philosophical about the situation.

I’ve been a reclusive blogger but at least I’m stil here and while there’s life there’s hope.

Same goes for my son. He is still languishing in a twilight world of complete and total isolation (barring use of the internet). He does not get dressed. He barely even washes himself and doesn’t brush his teeth. He is as near to rejecting life completely as it’s probably possible to get without giving up eating as well…

So sad, for a sixteen year old.

But my own life can’t come to a standstill.

Interesting that when I was battling Equals my site stats went to an all time high (535 hits in one day). But now I’m giving you poems about love, no one’s interested…boo hoo!

No news is good news, or should that be the other way round.

Gentle reader, don’t give up on me please! I don’t deserve you I know but what is a blog with no readers?

And if no one sees it does this blog disappear in the manner of a tree or a chair when we’re not observing it… see David Hume or Bishop Berkeley, enlightenment philosophers.

What is there to say. Well I was up at four this morning. I’ve had a bath, made breakfast, listened to Premier Radio, chatted on phone to Mum for an hour, did some ‘Morning Pages’ on the PC then fiddled around with files and folders for a while. It’s a good thing I recently acquired a book called ‘How To Be Idle’. The thing to do is have things to do then shirk them, there’s no fun in being idle when there’s no skiving involved.

What ‘should’ I be doing? Well possibly I ‘should’ have gone over to Camden for a meeting of Codependents Anonymous, but I didn’t feel like it. M and I went there yesterday and had one of those lovely thai vegan buffets for our lunch. I was with him all day and we listened to a lot of Roots music, shopped a bit, considered going out clubbing then thought better of it and had some soup at Caribbean Spice in West Green Road, Tottenham. Subdued middle aged gangsters.

Now I’m coughing from all the ciggies and going to try and right the wrongs I’ve done by taking a long walk with R and his dog.

I try. No one could say I don’t.

Lots love XX

Comments on: "Hello?" (1)

  1. Bristol Michael said:

    Of course you try! You’ve been through a lot and there have been times when any comment would have been trite. Never fear, I for one am still out here reading you! M 😉

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