When faced with my demons I clothe them and feed them…

Very Happy

Very happy folks. Very happy. Cos M and I still together, cos things seem to be working out, cos for a while I was scared I was going to have to lose him, cos I thought maybe the whole thing was a psychosis fuelled folly and cos now I realise it wasn’t…

I’d invested so much. Financially, but that was a drop in the ocean compared to the emotional investment…

I threw everything I had at this one folks, and if that didn’t work out, well I didn’t quite see how I would pick myself up off the floor and find the will to live again.

All the posts about our developing intimacy. And I would have to admit it was largely projection, mania, whatever.

I was a woman in desperate need of a partner. It may well turn out to make all the difference between a life back and forth from the mental health ward and a fulfilled and happy, stable one.

And that will all work out to the benefit of my son, who needs a happy fulfilled mother, not a desperate, manically depressed one…

Anyone see what I’m driving at?

Take care folks and thanks for reading…XXX

Comments on: "Very Happy" (2)

  1. A person who feels the need to direct anonymous (unless Ian Curtis has risen over Easter and is commenting on blogs) abuse at a stranger doesn’t strike me as particularly well-balanced himself. You’d ignore him if he was a drunk shouting outside a pub. It’s not much different.

    Take care, Zoe. Hope it all works out for you, M & your son x

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