When faced with my demons I clothe them and feed them…

A Collaboration of Geniuses

Yeah, bit like ‘a cesspit of estate agents’, ‘a septic tank of traffic wardens’…

Clever people gravitate to other clever people and pool their resources. Don’t back a loser. ‘Stick with the winners’ as they say in AA.

And it takes one to know one.

Excuse the surfeit of cliches, folks. But I am building up to a quite phenomenal piece of news.

Anyone remember the Afghan refugee and aspiring fashion designer who I came within a whisker of cohabiting with?

Well that came to nothing. But now I have something much better. A married couple in need of a place to stay. But a very special married couple who also happen to be friends, as well as part of my shiny-new-and-exciting social and creative life in the Polar Bear Community.

More than that I am not inclined to say just yet. Don’t want to compromise ANYONE’S privacy, including my own.

Suffice it to say, this couple have ‘kindred spirit’ written all over them. This thing was meant to be. Share my space with someone needy yeah, but also someone who can give me something back.

It’s all pretty exciting. But excitement is not a luxury I can allow myself. Objectively speaking, it’s exciting, as I know it’s the start of a beautiful relationship. But I’m not talking about three. I’m talking about an ever-expanding community of kindred souls, who can swop skills and services, as well as put their money where it matters if they are lucky enough to have some!

It’s happening, folks. It’s happening.

And I knew it beyond doubt for the first time on my boy’s birthday.


Comments on: "A Collaboration of Geniuses" (2)

  1. Please thank the Polar Bear people from me…

    ‘You only have one head so look after it!’ (Krishnamurti)

    With you, Katy

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