When faced with my demons I clothe them and feed them…

Thanks for your comments Katy. It’s just a terrible shame that Equals are seemingly bent on self-destruction, or failing that, prompting and goading Zoe into doing it for them!

I’ve given them so many chances! So many. I didn’t name them for ages and ages. Asked until I was braindead from repeating myself, for meeting and/or dialogue.

Same with Gavin Eastley.

Even if the cops come and confiscate my computer (as my Care Coordinator told me they threatened to do) it ain’t gonna stop me exercising my right to free speech. I will simply go to an internet caff or Gavin’s own Day Centre, and blog from there!

I honestly hate and despise The Pigs with a grim vengeance. Hard-wired into me I’m afraid, after being strong armed around by them so many times when I was ill. Have never broken the law either…except when I broke someone’s window while being inadequately ‘cared for’ by the Home Treatment Team.

So no, I certainly don’t want a repeat performance with them.

Just a frightful shame that so-called professionals can’t be accountable for their glaring errors, but prefer to frighten themselves delirious with thoughts of me…

Thanks for caring and thanks for worrying though. You are not the only friend who has expressed similar concerns, and they are valid.

Heaps love. Z X

Comments on: "I Fought the Law and the Law Won" (1)

  1. […] Too right I fought the freakin’ law lol. Who won remains to be seen. Check out ‘related posts’ below from four years ago…here’s a link for you. https://amistillill.wordpress.com/2010/12/04/i-fought-the-law-and-the-law-won/ […]

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