When faced with my demons I clothe them and feed them…

Better Out Than In

Thank you for your candid email. The cruellest outcome of this affair was the loss of your close and loved friends. I am sorry that I can’t shed any light on why this had to happen as neither of them told me much about any of this. From my position, their external personal relationships weren’t any of my business nor any other team member’s business, and I expressed to both of them that their friendship with you should not impact on Equals nor vice versa. The antipathy you expressed to us and to others about the business is likely one cause but perhaps other factors were also at play.

Exhausting to even read this rubbish I think you’ll agree folks.

And what she really can’t get her poor befuddled head around is why ANYONE…even an organisation’s chosen scapegoat, demon and hate figure, should ever feel any antipathy to these delightful, fluffy little darlings Equals. This saviour of the meek and helpless. This doughty trio of crusaders for the Cause. This selfless, saintly band of feisty fighters in the Battle for Social Inclusion!

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