When faced with my demons I clothe them and feed them…

Dear Zoe 

I am sorry Z: you’re not a bit sorry, R but I must ask you to do the following. It is very important that you respect my wishes. Please

1. Do not visit me

2. Do not send any more text messages

3. Do not telephone me

If you email me there should be no abuse of any kind. I will only reply if I wish to. Z: Everything on my terms, Zoe, as always…

Please note this vague and unsubstantiated accusation of abuse, folks, that has been levelled at me by these cowardly bullies throughout.

I am copying Wayne into this email too so that he is aware. Z: So that someone else can pick up the pieces of my mental health, which you have done your best to destroy! I will also email your mum but I do not have her address. Perhaps you could let me know it. I need to preserve my mental health and I hope it will help yours too.Z: Please note folks. Copying his mentor, Angela Salway, in disingenuously and dishonestly playing the mental health card! He does not currently suffer from any mental health problems whatsoever and has not been under a psychiatrist or taken any meds for about thirty years! Also note the sickening ‘hope’ that further isolation and ostracisation by close people will somehow ‘help’ my mental health!

Best wishes Richard Adam

Dear E and P, I am really ‘white-knuckling it’ now, as we say in the Fellowships!

Latest which I forwarded to you is that R refuses all contact with me. He makes the same vague and unsubstantiated accusation (or implication) of abuse that has been made against me all down the line. But demonised? Moi?

Also, in some desperation, called A (A’s partner) on the phone. He told me I needed to go away and think about my own actions. What none of them are prepared to do, despite being asked over and over and over again, is to give any details of what my supposed ‘offences’ actually are.

Exercising my right to free speech, self-expression, and using my blog as an outlet for the psychological torture I am enduring, is obviously a principle objection on their part. But where, anywhere in anything I have written, is contained any abuse? Where?

So I have now lost another outlet. The ability to engage in debate with R. But there’s no demonisation. Obviously. No irrational fear based on ???

And you too and possibly Stephen W as well are now apparently being hounded by NB (who I believed to be a decent guy) for daring to show any compassion and concern for my situation?

Where do I go now E and P? If not to you, to Wayne, to Gavin, to Richard, to my Mum, to Equals, to Stephen…where?

I am alone. I am vulnerable. And the ‘professionals’ in this instance are as much use as a chocolate teapot…which can provide no tea and makes a nasty, sticky brown mess on the tablecloth.

Lots love, Zoe xxx

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