When faced with my demons I clothe them and feed them…

‘I don’t feel well, but you still bovver me, you’re giving me a headache, you might as well clobber me….’ Dizzee Rascal

Just had a couple of delightful, abusive emails. I’ll print them here for your delectation. Maybe not.

What is it with some people? I am advised to ‘try a jab, it might deal with my ego’ or words to that effect.

Having been accused by Equals Training of  ‘abuse’ myself it’s a reminder of what abuse actually is.

I am also a ‘horrible old tart’. Are you reading, Equals? That’s abuse, for your information.

Some vulnerable people have no compunction whatsoever about targeting other, vulnerable people and using them as aunt sallies for their own pent-up anger. Are you reading A?

Jealousy often comes into it. Fear is also a chief culprit.

Mostly such people are out of touch with their own feelings. They are strangers to their own motivations. Anger is in many ways a perfectly understandable response to being marginalised and stigmatised as a mental health service user, in this society. Those who turn on their own kind I have no time for.

It’s not been a good day so far.

Comments on: "You might as well clobber me…" (2)

  1. Is this the month for abuse? Lareve got it in the past month, and so did I. Fuck em!

    • Thanks for that Seaneen. It’s good to know I’m not the only one, and to remember that a certain amount of abuse is probably inevitable when you are brave enough to stick your neck out on the internet! Z x

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