When faced with my demons I clothe them and feed them…

Ain’t Coffee Great?

Black, no sugar. I swear to God, one small strong cup can sometimes perform a small miracle.

Other things I like. Nice neighbours with gorgeous babies who come round and make you smile.

Naughty cats called Merlin who bring mice in and play with them till they die. Correction, I only really like this when mentally a little deranged…love the cat, hate the behaviour. Though it’s probably his way of bringing me a present in return for the many plates of meaty chunks and the love I lavish on his distinguished acquiline head…

Leonard Cohen. My new best friend. How did I live till he came into my life? First we take Manhattan…then we take Berlin! It’s nothing less than a manic manifesto.

Which leads me nicely on to a new blog (to me) I just found called Daily Living in a Manic-Depressive World. The author has written his own manifesto comprising (I think) 15 points. He recommends it as cathartic. Given me an idea which might come to fruition or equally might get completely lost in the clouds of time and Zoe’s continual flux…

When at first I don’t succeed in the world of blogging I have a lamentable tendency to give up. This happened a few posts ago when WordPress swallowed two precious, carefully crafted paragraphs.

For the record, they referred to two women bloggers I rate particularly highly and who I count as mentors and role-models. These are Gianna  and SFJane . I will rave and gush about them some other day when I have the attention span required and am less up my own depressive arse.

Anyway, they are ‘something else I like’. I haven’t totally strayed from the point of the post. Which is basically to prove to myself that I can enjoy stuff even when, as I documented earlier today, I feel like crap. I especially liked the baby. Actually I think the baby (James) was what made me turn the corner. That and the coffee. I love cute babies and have a way of hypnotising them. Lots of love, Zoe.xxx

Comments on: "Ain’t Coffee Great?" (7)

  1. Isn’t it nice, even at the worst of times that we can usually, if we try, find things to be grateful for?

  2. Thank God BW is a house-cat and I only get toy mice left on the pillow (and in my shoes, oddly enough.) That said, I doubt he could actually catch something. He’s very showy in his movements: run, jump, pivot, twirl, pounce with jazz hands! Anyway, it’s nice that you appreciate Merlin’s gesture.

    Anyway, glad you’re feeling inspired.

    Yay for coffee and babies!

  3. Gianna, what can I say? I have a spiritual hunger that could possibly be summed up by Eminem’s line ‘Success is my only m***** f*****g option, failure’s not’. Maybe that’s why I feel I have no choice but to consider the glass half full. I’m sure it could be annoying. Polly-anna-ish or something. But really it isn’t. Only people who really don’t know me would imagine that. Those manic dreams don’t leave me alone. I can’t stay down for long. I just don’t have time. I’m halfway through my life and still everything to accomplish…

    La, yay for babies! Merlin seems to be a dab hand at the hunting thing so far as I can tell. He was so determined to give me his ‘present’ that he brought it in again, after I had thrown it over the back fence, and replaced it under the living room table! He has some great, twisty moves, throwing himself all over the place. Please God, no presents today! Love xxx

  4. yeah, that’s exactly me Zoe, though I don’t deal with mania anymore…but I have a profound sense that I’m here to do something—the trick is staying grounded. there is no reason to assume our purpose has anything to do with what seems grand to the outside world…


  5. Sir Bob said:

    I love coffee (not starbuckz though as they always c*ck the order up when you go in there) -glad you are enjoying the Leonard Cohen, didn’t I read somewhere that his manager ran off with all his money so he had to start recording again. Hope you are feeling ok x

  6. Lovely comment Gianna. Thank you. I’m glad you can relate. I worry about alienating people by being (or seeming) too upbeat! I’m feeling low right now but I still have my faith that there is a purpose to all this. I have seen and felt the fruits of some of my labours already and you’re right. It isn’t about living up to the ideals of consensus reality. There are just too many of us feeling and expressing the same stuff, and I have a sense that our numbers and our power are growing all the time. I’m one of many and happy to be.

    Sir Bob, thanks for your comment. Starbucks sucks, doesn’t it? To my mind they should be able to get coffee right if nothing else and to my mind, they don’t! Then again I’m not a great fan of ‘lar-tay’ and its multiple variations. The Italians are the ones who really know about coffee. I like it strong and black, not in vast quantities and preferably not ridiculusly overpriced!

    Yeah, Leonard rocks!xxx

  7. Hi Zoe, isn’t Leonard Cohen wonderful? I love his version of The Book of Love (I believe it’s called (“The book of love is long and boring…”).

    Now go write your manifesto!

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