When faced with my demons I clothe them and feed them…

Humdrum and so-so…

…but I did have slightly more energy today. My body is adjusting to a more normal level of sleep after about two years on Seroquel. Also, Seroquel zonks you out the whole night – now I wake in the night some, but feeling half alive in the morning is a good trade-off. Still a bit depressed but not as bad as yesterday. Getting the odd hot flash and no longer sure if it is withdrawal or the goddamn menopause!

I went up to Muswell Hill and made a beeline for the two health shops…bought a calcium/magnesium/zinc supplement, a vitamin C, some Evening Primrose Oil capsules, some hemp oil and Selenium with A, C and E. Also some tofu and oats. My breakfast these days is usually porridge with grated apple and berries, some soya yoghurt and a tablespoon of ground sunflower, pumpkin and flax seeds, as recommended by Patrick Holford.

Being ill, feeling ill is not a lot of fun. The worst of it is not knowing how long this is going to go on for. Sorry to be such a drag! Lots of love, Zoe.

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